Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thing #12

O Rollyo, Rollyo, wherefore art thou Rollyo?

Rollyo is this nifty site where you can create your own search engine. If you find yourself doing a searches on a few select websites, here you can combine them and only have to do one search. For example, when I'm trying to decide if I want to read a new teen book I have been hearing about, I sometimes check a few different sites (like Barnes and Noble, Teens Read Too, and Teen Reads) to see what other readers/reviewers have had to say about it. Now instead of going from site to site searching, I only have to go to one spot, my Rollyo account. I have put a link to it in my sidebar, give it a try! (A book I recommend: Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie)

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